I (Fr. Raymond Rumao, Parish Priest) wish to inform you that I had a meeting with His Grace Archbishop Felix Machado and he categorically stated that the work on the Dias & Pereira Nagar Ground, (a house of worship) be taken up on an urgent basis.
Provisionally he has stated that at least a Shed be erected before the Holy Feast of Christmas, to facilitate conducting of the English Services for the Catholic Community of our Parish. Nevertheless, as you are aware that this project will entail a considerable amount of expenses (the Cost of construction of the shed would come to some lacks of rupees). Therefore, I make and ardent appeal to all to contribute financially for this purpose.
This could be done by individual families, or Zones whichever is feasible. Let us all work together for this cause. In this regard, we shall have General and open meeting of all English-Speaking Families soon after the 9.30am Mass in the Church hall. It’s my humble request to all the families to be present for this meeting at least one member of the family. Get the information and also clear all your queries at this meeting. Thank you and God Bless you!!!