- There are two such associations in the parish. The Marathi one meets every morning after the 7-00 a.m.
- Mass mainly for birthday celebration and for the funeral of their deceased member.
- They also offer mass for the soul of their deceased member.
- They certainly meet at least three times for their entertainment and for picnics. They too have nearly 200 members but only few come for the meetings.
- They too are associated with the diocesan senior citizen meet.
- The English group seems to be more active and dynamic as they regularly meet for prayer, serious discussion or programs in health and social concerns.
- They too meet once a month but do meet more than once a month when a program is schedule.
- They have power point program and discussion.
- They are also linked with the human right association and organise senior citizen cards or Aadhar cards.
- They would celebrate birthdays once a month when they meet.
- They would have one picnic a year but they have programs like attending the funeral of the member or visiting the sick and few other things.
- They would certainly invite an association to talk about Diabetes or heart diseases.